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MarcB Lyr Req: Summer in Dublin (Liam Reilly) (4) Lyr Add: SUMMER IN DUBLIN (Liam Reilly) 12 Mar 98

Found 'em.

Liam Reilly

Take me away from this city and lead me to where I can be on my own.
I wanted to see it and now that I have, I just want to be left alone.
I'll always remember your kind words and I’ll still remember your name,
But I've seen you changing and turning and I know that things won't be the same.

CHORUS: I remember that summer in Dublin and the Liffey as it stank like hell,
And the young people walking down Grafton Street and everyone looking so well.
I was singing a song I heard somewhere called "Rock and Roll Never Forgets"
When my humming was smothered by the 46A and the scream of a low-flying jet;
So I jumped on a bus to Dunleary, stopping off to pick up my guitar,
And a drunk on the bus told me how to get rich. I was glad we weren't going too far.

So I'm leaving on Wednesday morning, trying to find a place I can hear
Where the wind and the birds and the sea and the rocks, where open roads always are near,
And if sometimes I tire of the quiet, and I want to get back up that hill,
I'll just get on the road and stick out my thumb. I know that you'll be there still.

Repeat chorus.

Enjoy. Marc

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