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GUEST,Sedayne (Astray) Walkaboutsverse (989* d) Lyr Add: SEVEN YEARS OLD 24 Jun 08

Poetry corner eh? Well, as a lifelong fan of Edward Gorey, here's my personal tribute:

Seven Years Old

The scariest story that's ever been told,
is about the young boy, only seven years old old;
for he never got hungry or even grew old;
he never got tired, nor ever grew cold;
but stayed all forever only seven years old.

He was seven years old when their house was a new-un;
he was seven years old when it fell into ruin.
He was seven years old was Robert was ten;
he was seven years old when Bob was an old man.

He was seven years old when Sonia was born,
and seven years old when her vows they were sworn;
he was seven years old when Ruth came along;
he was seven years old when poor Ruth was undone.

He was seven years old when Ruth had Melissa;
and seven years old when Melissa had Tricia.
He was seven years old when Trish killed the old clown;
and he was seven years old when they sent Tricia down.

He was seven years old when his parents were hale,
he was seven years old when they grew old and frail.
He was seven years old when at last they turned grey;
he was seven years old when they lay in the clay.

He was seven years old when he saw the seed fall;
he was seven years old when the tree grew up tall;
he was seven years old when the tree touched the sky;
he was seven years old when it rotted and died.

He was seven years old when there were plenty about;
he was seven years old when there was no-one in sight.
He was seven years old when the earth it was young;
he was seven years old when it crashed into the sun.

He was seven years old when it came to and end;
he was seven years old when it started again.

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