Well, Barry, I grew up in Syracuse, NY, and they did try to teach us our local history, about the canal and all. They did actually teach geography back in that era, too. This Erie Canal song was in the school's song book, and we learned it in our once-a-week music lessons. There were two verses and one chorus, as best I can remember, and I never thought twice about who wrote any song way back then. None of the verses alluded to deceit, aggression, drinking or sin, neither human nor mule. No words even close to cusses, like "Darn", either. Is it any wonder we couldn't wait to grow up? Not only couldn't we read about the real world in Dick and Jane, we couldn't sing about it, even in the "folk" songs we were given to learn! Everything was whitewashed, pureed to a pablum-like consistency, suitable for spoon- feeding. Sorry to turn your lyric request into my rant. It just hit me where I live, or where I used to live, at least. All the best, Marymac