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GUEST,Marymac90 Boston's Club 47 - Where it started (35) RE: Boston's Club 47 - Where it started 11 Aug 08

I saw Steve Goodman there in 1975 when it was Passim--a
great show. During one set, a couple student-aged guys
mooned us all through the window! Steve just kept right
on going!

I read the NPR transcript--Thanks, Michael S. One point,
perhaps irrelevant to the thread: It said that in 1963, the landlord of Club 47 was said she was tired of "all the hippies"
on her sidewalk, and the club would have to move. Can anyone remember clearly whether the expression "hippies" was in use in 1963? I would have thought it might have been coined in maybe
1966 or thereabouts... Beatniks, or Beats, would certainly
have been in use then. There was that girl-group record (can't
remember WHICH girl-group) "South Street", in which they sang
"Where do all the hippies meet?" I can't date that song, but I would imagine they were singing about African-American hip cats
who were hanging out on South Street in Phila. before it, and Society Hill, were gentrified, and South Street was

Please forgive the thread creep.


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