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Gene Burton Gene B sings (American) Trad (6) RE: Gene B sings (American) Trad 19 Aug 08

Thanks for the warm words, Barry & Amber. I did try to give the Skip Gorman MP3 a listen, but my computer wouldn't let me unfortunately; as it's infected with spyware & probably on its last legs...

I've not really taken a conscious decision not to write any more; just that having written as prolifically as I did between my late teens and mid twenties, I seem rather to have run out of language...probably because I've pretty much written my share. If it ever comes back, fine; if not, also fine. For the foreseeable future, though, singing trad folk is likely to remain my priority...and I'm actually really exited about the potential to improve at doing it, from what I hope is already a pretty decent base. It almost feels like starting from scratch again, which is fantastic for me because I was in need of something to reinvigorate the desire to sing.

Thanks to all for continuing to listen, BTW.

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