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AndyG U571: what is it about the Yanks? (102* d) RE: U571: what is it about the Yanks? 13 Jun 00


The point I was trying to make, perhaps badly, was that I don't really have a problem with the idea of the movie industry compressing various stories into one to make a better film.
I don't object to the film showing the USN capturing an enigma machine, after all they did on at least one occasion. I get worried if the film then claims that this led to the breaking of the Enigma cypher system, which wasn't the case, and I object to any claim that the resultant Ultra intelligence was the result of American effort, which it never became, even after BP was recruiting US officiers to its staff.

I believe that many people do accept as fact the stories that film-makers present, and whilst I don't expect the rigourous standards of the academic historian to be applied to an action movie, I hope for better than outright distortion.
i.e. Both The Longest Day and A Bridge Too Far (based on the books by Cornelius Ryan) certainly "played to the gallery" but I think they displayed that the Allied effort sprang from an Alliance.


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