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semi-submersible BS: Iceman was a herdsman (9) RE: BS: Iceman was a herdsman 23 Aug 08

I thought "don" and "doff" (shortened from "do on" and "do off") were done BY a person TO a garment IN a place. Nothing is wrong with "robed in," "wrapped in," or better yet "dressed in" or "wearing," but "donned in" sounds mighty strange. McG of H, have you heard of anyone else being "donned in" clothes?

The article says his clothes were made from our favourite domestic herd beasts, but fails to establish that he herded.

Perhaps he did follow the herds, when he wasn't smithing (high levels of copper and arsenic in his hair point to time spent around a forge). With legbones that did an unusual amount of hiking compared to other Copper Age men, he may have been shepherd, trader, hunter, mystic, or a commuter between migrant tribe and immovable forge. Or all of the above. You need a wide skill set to live without money or shops. Of course, you live a lot longer if you're in a tribe. Gathering (the figurative bread and butter of subsistence) is most efficient and pleasant in teams. Even the best hunter comes up empty most days. Sharing keeps everyone fed and safe most days of the year.

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