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GUEST,Visitor Chord Req: Walkin' My Baby Back Home (20) Chord Req: 'Walkng my baby back home' 01 Sep 08


One of my favourite songs to sing, or just simply, one of my favourite songs, is 'They Don't Write Them Like That Anymore' by Pete Betts, who, along with Vin Garbutt, came to a party held at Midnight 2000, hosted by my Nephew Kenny. Pete and Vin sang it for me as I was visiting Kenny from Australia.

In that song Peter refers to 'Walking my baby back home'. I've tried to find chords for this old song and can only find some extremely difficult ones that my 65 year old hands can't quite get around.

Can anyone help me with simpler chords?

Incidentally, Kenny, in the song is the same Kenny that I am refering to.

Have to say, it was a supreme pleasure meeting Pete. A good bloke!


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