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Jane of 'ull BS: Out of body experiences (277* d) RE: BS: Out of body experiences 07 Sep 08

No, actually I have never 'seen' my own body, just feel myself floating up and out of it and back down again. I get a lot of the other classic signs of OBE - a feeling of intense buzzing and vibrating in my head and body, and its always dark when its happening so I guess its happening in real time.

I have night terrors too and vivid dreams, which could be related.

It's funny because I used to be into spiritualist stuff years ago, and would liked to have had an OBE then, indeed I think I tried - but now as a non-believer they are involuntarily happening. I've been on a few forums dedicated to the subject but they are preoccupied with people who like having them, or want to have them but are still trying.

I do remember one person I knew years ago who had them and didnt like it. He said that he floated up to the ceiling and tiny specks on the ceiling appeared the size of dustbin lids. thats pretty scary.

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