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GUEST,Visitor Chord Req: Walkin' My Baby Back Home (20) RE: Chord Req: Walkin' My Baby Back Home 08 Sep 08

Hi RiB

It's been a busy week with very long days so not much time in the music room. (I live and work at a Uni Housing complex) I've got time tonight so I am going to have a crack at transposing it using your suggested chords.
These are the ones that I currently have. I tried them again briefly last night and it didn't sound too bad (for me anyway).
Walkin' my baby back home

G             Em7    Bm7          Em7
Gee but it's great after bein' out late
    G                                  E7
Walkin' my baby back home
    A7       D7
Arm in arm over meadow and farm
Walkin' my baby back home

Not sure where it goes after that....

I'll let you know how I go :-)

Many thanks


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