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Nathan in Texas Lyr Add: There'll Be A Light for Me At the River (8) Lyr Add: There'll Be A Light for Me At the River 26 Sep 08

Here's a song I learned from Jim Watson's CD, "Willie's Redemption." The liner notes list it as "traditional." It's also on the "Sabbath Home" CD by Cathy Barton and Dave Para. They list C.N. Henderson as the composer. Both albums credit Alice Gerrard's singing as their source. I wonder if anyone has any more information on its origins. You can listen to my take on it here.

I used the title "Light for Me At the River" to differentiate it from other songs with Light At the River as their titles.

Light For Me At the River

There is a river we must cross over.
When Life's sun goes to sleep in the west.
There'll be a Light for me at the crossing
Guiding me to that home of sweet rest.

There'll be a Light for me at the river
Guiding my soul over the foam.
Leading my lifeboat past the dark shadows
Jesus, my Light, will guide me safe home.

Soon I'll be standing down by the river
Bidding farewell to friends left below.
Nothing to harm me, nothing alarm me.
While I am sailing close to my home.

When I reach the banks of the river,
Where the chill waters murmur their song;
Sailing with Jesus, I know that He will
Be the Light at the river for me.

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