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Aine Lyr Req: An Bhean Udai Thall + Dulaman (19) RE: Lyrics Reqd: An Bhean Udai Thall 26 Mar 98

Dear Harald:

Ta failte romhat - you're welcome. I doubt, however, that you'll have any luck finding this tape/book set in a local bookstore. Here are some of my favorite bookshops when I'm trying to find Irish language teaching materials:

The Irish Bookshop, 580 Broadway, R 1103, New York, NY 10012-3223. Webpage:

Irish Books & Media, 1433 Franklin Ave. East, Minneapolis, MN 55404-2135. Tel. No. 612-871-3505 Webpage:

Kennys Bookshops, High Street, Galway, Ireland. Tel. No. 353-91-562739 or 353-91-561014 or 353-91-561021 Fax No. 353-91-568544 Webpage: http:/

I have dealt with all three of these establishments and have found them extremely helpful. Let me know how you get on. Le meas, Aine

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