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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Greycap PickeringFolkFestival Are you owed money (119* d) RE: PickeringFolkFestival Are you owed money 09 Dec 08

Hey, folks,
Bitter experience tells me, I was once booked at a festival at Harewood outside Leeds, years ago, where everybody in music was booked, nobody was ever paid.
I regretfully feel that you paid your money to an absolute crook, who never had any, whatsoever, intention of holding a festival in the first instance,and knew folkies were nice people, but very gullible.
Look,please, for example, at the other festivals over that date.They all co-incide.warning?
Look, again, at the all artistes booked. Look at the prices, ok? My wife and I said at the time that it was identical to one of the Halifax festivals in the 60/70s where everybody in the world was booked, nobody was ever paid, lots of the audience suffered Hyperthermyia, no pay, no money back.... it was the weather....yeah, sure.
Experience aren't getting your money back..,. Boak is a F..... thief. You lost this one, be careful in future.

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