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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Joe Larson Lyr ADD: Horsie / Horsey Keep Your Tail Up (60* d) RE: lyr.req:Horsey keep your tail up 04 Jul 00

Wow, this one goes back further that I thought. Our polka band (Norm Dombrowski and the Happy Notes) got it from a Don Pechie (sp?) recording. This song is played frequently on the local radio station's Sunday morning polka show. (Local = Stevens Point, Wisconsin, radio = WIZD 99.9fm). The lyrics we use go like this:
Horsey keep your tail up, horsey keep your tail up,
keep the sun out of my eyes.
Horsey keep your tail up, horsey keep your tail up,
never mind about the flies.
Now if you want to look real smart,
lift up your tail before you start,
Horsey keep your tail up, horsey keep your tail up,
keep the sun out of my eyes.

Horsey keep your tail up, horsey keep your tail up,
keep the sun out of my eyes.
Horsey keep your tail up, horsey keep your tail up,
never mind about the flies.
The birdies in the tree tops high,
begin to sing when we pass by.
Horsey keep your tail up, horsey keep your tail up,
keep the sun out of my eyes.

I wrote a MIDI version of this that Joe Offer mentioned earlier. I should let you know that our web site is moving to:

Joe Larson

Click to play

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