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semi-submersible Lyr Req: Romany songs (52* d) RE: Lyr Req: Romany songs 19 Dec 08

More translations to English, please? (Understanding that all translation is approximate.)

If the settled majority population someday develops wit enough to listen and respect the migrants among us, then what kinds of changes would be needed to make things work well in such a diverse society? Would the existing school system be good enough, if prejudice were no longer tolerated? Do existing housing types and camping facilities meet the needs of all kinds of travellers?

We'll always find it more difficult to contain irresponsible behaviour in a person who keeps changing neighbours. In a free country we couldn't register and track everybody: that would violate human rights, set dangerous precedents, and cause distrust. But what is the best way to keep the odd bad apples from giving all migrants a bad reputation?

Have you seen an effective way for a community to self-regulate to weed out unacceptable behaviour? Would many Roma and other travellers support self-policing communities as a way of distinguishing responsible migrants from tramps or tourists? I'm thinking of something like Better Business Bureau or Native Band status, which a member could use voluntarily to show legitimacy and one's good record to people who don't know one yet.

To reduce lazy scapegoating, police may need better communication tools (similar to those used for serious crimes) to link serial misdemeanors performed in different jurisdictions. Of course, until prejudice is curbed many authorities will continue to be part of the problem.

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