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GUEST,Joe looking for the name to a tune? (11) looking for the name to a tune? 15 Jan 09

Hi everyone,

I am looking for the name to a tune I've known for ages, it was one of the first I ever learnt on the fiddle. Trouble is, I've not a clue where I got it from and no-one I've asked knows the name, although they've heard it as well! If anyone can help I'd be very grateful.

I've tried to write it down in noteworthy, but I've never tried to write music in my life so it's probably full of mistakes, but I've showed it to a friend who plays classical music and he reckoned it was close enough... becasue I used the free version of noteworthy you need to scroll past the first page of the pdf though. I've also recorded me playing it, apologies for the quality but it was done using my mobile phone so it's not great.

Here are the files:

Thanks in advance,

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