Sarah, The atrophied pea that remains of my memory recalls this lovely song from Martin Carthy as follows, Rich, does this sound about right? Hope I was of help. As I went out one mid-summer morning to take the air, and to smell the breeze, I overheard a young maiden crying, 'Oh, cur-sed be the cruel seas' 'I had a love and he sailed on the ocean, he sailed on board of a submarine, He sailed on board of the US Thresher, the finest ship to sail the sea'. And he wrote to me 'I love you truly, and I'll come back and marry you' 'Oh, don't you fear, Love, for my safety, thos trip is over so very soon. But the steel sides burst in the deepest waters, the Thresher, it went sinking down' His body rots in a metal coffin, the fish swim o'er his hollow bones' Oh, I'll go courting another sweetheart, and in the end we'll married be, 'But he'll have to be a true-born landsman, I'll not be wed to the cruel sea'