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GUEST, Origins: How Pretty the Moon Looks Tonight (39) Lyr Add: HOW PRETTY THE MOON LOOKS TONIGHT^^ 12 Jul 00

Looking in vain for origin and correct lyric. Probably from Arkansas or Louisiana circa 1925. Here's what I have now:


Oh, Mother, how pretty the moon looks tonight
She was never so cunning before
Her two little horns are to sharp and so bright
I hope they'll not grow any more

If I were up there with you and the moon
We'd rock in it nightly, you see.
We'd sit in the middle and hold to both ends
Oh, what a fine cradle 'twould be!

We'd call to the stars to get out of our way,
'Lest we should rock over their toes.
And there we would stay 'til the dawn of the day
And see where the pretty moon goes.

I need any information I can get because I am including this song in a book that I am currently writing and I want to make sure I have no copyright issues.

Thanks for any available assistance.

J. Molnar ^^

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