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Sean Belt BURSITIS ... CANNOT PLAY ... HELP! (61* d) RE: BURSITIS ... CANNOT PLAY ... HELP! 14 Jul 00


I'm currently going through a similar situation. With me, it's my shoulder. I can play the banjo and dulcimer with little pain. But reaching around the body of my guitar was killing me. I couldn't play it at all for a couple of months, which was depressing me terribly.

I finally went to a physical therapist and was able to work with her to find a posture in which I can play comfortably. A cortizone shot has also helped quite a bit. Here in St. Louis, we're blessed with a group of PTs and doctors who are specialized in treating musicians and dancers

So, for now, I have to play standing up and with the guitar riding a little lower than I'm used to, but all in all, it's not affected my playing negatively and I'm getting more and more comfortable with it.

I'm in agreement with most of the others above, though. Whether it's a PT or Orthopedist or whomever, don't wait to get professional help with this.

Bread & roses,
- Sean

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