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Jane of 'ull How do you survive the day job? (62* d) RE: How do you survive the day job? 06 Mar 09

Yeah I've thought about teaching music but 1. I'm crap at it, I've no patience, 2. I hate reading the dots, 3. I cant explain to others what I do, I just seem to know where to put my fingers and dont want to analyse why!

retirement not an option, I'm only 38 and just started my full time career really after bringing up a child on my own, I'm still a lone parent (by choice) so have to work to bring bread to the table unfortunately.

wouldn't mind commuting to leeds or whatever but it may tire me too much to do my music of an evening. I'm hoping to get a slightly better paid job thats not too stressful, get something together musically and do enough gigs to top up my income so I can have a better standard of living.

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