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Gweltas BS: Boondocking (Camping) Experiences? (70* d) RE: BS: Boondocking (Camping) Experiences? 17 Mar 09

Some lessons learned the hard way from solo camping in tents over the years:
Don't pitch your tent under trees - early morning dawn choruses are great, but a polka dotted tent from early morning incontinent bird strike is another matter entirely!!
Bring ear plugs - sound carries so wonderfully well at night and very loud snorers in nearby tents can keep you awake all night!
A hot water bottle, a spare fleece blanket and a woolly hat are vital on chilly nights.
A double sized airbed is essential also as I have sometimes tended to roll off a single airbed when turning over in my sleep. Waking up chilled to the bone from lying on just a ground sheet is not an experience to be recommended..
A plastic storage box with lockable lid, large enough to store both food, crockery, cutlery, wash bowl and washbag is essential as it is said that no matter where in the world you are never further than 6 feet away from at least ONE RAT. I also use a second storage box as a "suitcase" for my clean clothes, for the same reason, and its useful for propping up my reading light, my book and my travel clock if I'm wakeful.
My chemical Portapotti, toilet paper and antibacterial hand wipes, occupy the separate, groundsheeted, front lobby of my tent and it is sheer bliss not to have to wake up properly, dress up, find footwear and trudge out in all weathers to the often far distant portaloos on festival campsites. That Portapotti was the best birthday present I've ever had.
An absorbent cotton mat in the lobby of my tent is ideal for muddy, or just wet, footwear.
I love to camp, but I like my creature conforts too.
Happy tenting to everyone with tents and let us hope that the coming Summer weather will be a lot dryer in the UK than last year, when I had to be towed off nearly every festival campsite, and was even towed ON to some sites too !! (Oh to be rich enough to be able to afford to buy a small campervan with 4WD, now that I'm getting on in years.......sigh !!)

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