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GUEST,Ellie BS: BNP: What would you do? (773* d) RE: BS: BNP: What would you do? 23 May 09

The Nazis and the Fascists are the lib/lab/con who are trying to create a new EUSSR. No thanks - I don't want that. I just want my country back the way it used to be. I don't want to live in a New World Order of Communism ! I'll be voting BNP come hell or high water. You can make what stupid inane comment you like. I will not be changing my mind. I've had enough of all the sleaze parties. They've had fifty years of doing exactly what they want. I was never asked if I wanted to live in a multiculti country ! We were doing just fine as we were until the traitor Edward Heath sold us out to Europe for the price of a boat ! The then governmebt knew that the Brits would never sign away their sovereignty, so they made up a pack of lies called the Common Market and bought in their Marxism under cover ! If you're happy with the way thimgs are and you want to live in a multiculti Marxist Hellhole then keep voting for them. I think for myself !

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