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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Me... BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? (64* d) RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? 12 Jun 09

Kinda like sneakin' back into yer ghouse after yer parents have thrown you out... Real wierd...

Had several "access denied"...

Geeze... Guess you can't say nuthin bad about the CIA or the FBI... Even if it was somethin' they might have been ivolved in some 50 years ago...

Yo, my fellow Catters... If I have been successfully assasinated (lotta that going around these days) ya'll can email me at

I mean, who knows, this might be my last post if it takes so ya'll write down that email address 'cause somethin' goin' on here, what it is ain't exactly clear, man with a gun over there, tellin' me I gotta be aware...

Never thought that would happen here...

But it has...


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