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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,strad BBC Radio 4 features abc (66* d) RE: BBC Radio 4 features abc 15 Jul 09

Before ABC I used to use something similar when I found a tune/song in the depths of reference libraries and no blank manuscript to hand, and before I bought a Commodore 64. If I had had the computing skills I might have been the target of comments like those in this thread. The nice ones are nice, whilst the anti ones are uncalled for. ABC is a great TOOL and should be used as such. If you don't like it, leave it alone for those of us who do.

If Capt. Birdseye earns part or all of his living from folk music he should consider the public perception of comments such as above. Would I go to see him at a folk club? I think not, so there goes another possible CD sale.

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