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Elise Lyr Req: When Celia was Learning (20) Lyr Add: CELIA LEARNING ON THE SPINNET 31 Jul 00


When Celia was learning on the spinnet to play
her tutor stood by her to show her,
to show her, to show her the way

She shook not the note
which angered him much
and made him, and made him
and made him cry zounds 'tis a long prick
a long prick, a long prick'd note you touch

Surpriz'd was the lady to hear him complain
and said, and said,
and said I will shake it, I will shake it when I come to't again

I believe this is what is known as a catch, which is meant to be sung in a round so that the repeated lines come out to a complete and amusing on, much like When Ere my Dame a'hedging Goes.

The funny one by Purcell is Sire Walter, Enjoying His Damsel One Night.

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