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Sean Belt What (do we play)? (91* d) RE: What .....?!? 31 Jul 00

Moonchild, (& all the rest)

What a lovely idea for a thread. Yes, it's probably been done elsewhere, but I'm thoroughly enjoying it here! Thanks for getting it started.

So, here're my "vital statistics":
1) I love singing! And loudly. I'm on a person quest to get people to turn off the TV and radio and begin singing socially again. After a recent very inspiring time spent with Betty Smith (a terrific balad singer and collector from North Carolina), I'm concentrating on learning ballads to sing.

2) I play guitar, clawhammer-style banjo, and mountain dulcimer. I play at playing ('though admittedly not well) mandolin and whistles.

3)I enjoy old-timey music, Appalachian Mtn. ballads, fiddle tunes, English and Irish folk songs and dance tunes, good singer-songwriter stuff, Richard Thompson's electric guitar, "classical" music, klezmer. I guess just about anything that's well and joyously played.

- Sean

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