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smpc Lyr Add: The Grey Lake of Loughrea (39) RE: Lyr Add: The Grey Lake of Loughrea 06 Aug 09

i know this song as 'The Lady Of Loughrae'

My heart strings make sweet music if I but think of you
And if you should call me darling I would wear a feathered shoe
I would swim the Suir or Slaney or the Shannon any day
Just to talk with you lovely lady and to walk you round Loughrae.

If I owned all Portumna the markets of Athlone
Or the wharves and all the money that belong to Limerick town
I would part them with your people if you'd let me presume
Just to talk with you lovely lady and to be your squire in Tuam.

Oh! Roseleaf maid t'is easy for to blame the wastrel now
But who was ever able for to harrow with a plough
Not reared was I for labour or to watch the seasons play
But gambling, sport and dancing that lost me my own Loughrae.

In her grey house by the water my love is dwelling still
She is the moons only daughter, oh her lamp upon the hill
She may braid her hair at evening while those who go the way
They may think it's the moon that's rising o'er the grey lake to Loughrae.

Last night abroad in London I spent my only crown
I toasted to last one and after cried tears down
I walked the lamps till morning and I heard your hark away
Oh I wish I were the red fox that you hunted round Loughrae.

Oh! Lent may last till Easter and after Summer comes
But for fasting or feasting while the sloe bush buds and blooms
The queen of hearts is lonely but the jokers still to play
Oh! I'll fight and I'll take her from you oh strong men of Loughrae.

the place names are in Galway and the suir, slaney and the shannon are rivers in Ireland the Shannon being the biggest.

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