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GUEST,Joe Is Bill Foster still on the folk scene ? (3) RE: Is Bill Foster still on the folk scene ? 11 Aug 09

Hello Skribla,

It could be. When I saw him and bought his records it was sometime in the 70's. The Folk Club in Hull was on a Sunday Night which clashed with Folk Union One and was run (I believe) by Barry Nettleton who later was involved with Hull Truck Theatre ??

I am at work now but one of the records I have is called 'Beamer Hill' (I think). I believe he was a teacher at some point has one of of his songs was about being a teacher of children.

He was quite an accomplished singer. I was just going through some of my old LP's that have not seen the light of day for some years. I shall have to play them (and some others) when I am not at work and see if they are has I remember them.

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