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If you're serious about pulling up stakes and relocating, give some thought to St. Louis. The folk music community here is thriving. There are several world class musicians playing several styles from the old-timey Ill-Mo Boys and Flying Mules to an Irish guitar and flute duet, Bernie and Barbara McDonald. Those are just a few. Many, many venues to play in as well. Mostly restaurants and bars, but very musician friendly. We've only one folk club, The Focal Point. But they're very good.

Also, the cost of living and housing is reasonable, the surrounding area is pretty, and you're only an hour or so from the Ozarks. There are a lot of semi-rural areas on both sides of the river within an easy commute of the city.

The weather right now leaves a little to be desired. being here in the Mississippi river delta, it's hot and humid for much of the summer. But, on the other hand, the winters are generally mild with only a week or so every year of realy cold temperatures.

I'm sounding a little like the Chamber of Commerce here, aren't I? But I'm afraid that I really do like it here.

Bread & roses,all,
- Sean

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