Maybe I should explain my particular interest in this song. Actually, I was interested mainly because it's a fine, lively song, and secondly,it sounded at though it MIGHT [or might not!] have some historic background, which is a passion of mine. What really caught my ear, however was the line about the shores of Loch Long being held by "the theives o'MacFarlane." My great grandmother was a McFarland and, if I'm not mistaken Clan MacFarland was, in those days, generally regarded as second only to Clan MacGregor as notorious cattle theives. [The full moon being referred to as "MacFarland's lantern," as the clansmen went off on cattle-reiving forays, etc.] I couldn't resist a song that made even indirect reference to the notoriety of my relatives... and of a fondly remembered singing partnership! Reiver 2