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heric BS: US Health Care Reform (1349* d) RE: BS: US Health Care Reform 01 Sep 09

The insurance industry does not want you to have this. They would rather that public health funding be done by taxpayers paying the government. They would have a lot more people to provide for with this, but not the people they make the big bucks from.

Obama says this plan is 90% right, but "too radical."

Note also (about preserving Medicaid): Under section 104(a)(4), if someone has a Medicaid benefit entitlement under existing programs, the HAPI (FEHBA equivalent plan) is not allowed to demand any copays or contributions from them (that they wouldn't have had under Medicaid.)

Instead of getting Medicaid, the poor now would get:

(1) Medicaid;
(2) The Blue Cross/Blue Shield Standard Plan;
(3) A primary care provider to devise and monitor a care plan (with expert understanding of the benefits now available, even if the patient isn't up to speed on them), for free wellness care, comprehensive disease prevention, early detection, disease management, chronic pain treatment, and chronic condition management;
(4) Guaranteed nondiscrimination in any plan based on health status (or genetics); and
(5) Peri-natal care as good as anyone's.

Under HR 3200, with the public option as it was written, they would get:
(1) Medicaid.

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