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heric BS: US Health Care Reform (1349* d) RE: BS: US Health Care Reform 02 Sep 09

Bobert be right again.

" Axelrod said: 'There are a lot of ideas on the table and now it's time to pull those strands together and finish the work.'

That suggests the president could for the first time put in writing the elements of a health care plan, drawing from the common pieces of measures approved in three House committees and the Senate committee formerly headed by the late Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Democrat of Massachusetts, in an attempt to spur Congressional action. To date he has deferred to Congress to write legislation following his general principles, including a public insurance option to create competition for insurance companies.

The White House recalibration in part reflects how patience has run out with the efforts of [those idiots.]"

NYT 9/1/09

see, also Obama Set To Reveal Specific Health Reform Details In Strategy Shift

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