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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
heric BS: US Health Care Reform (1349* d) RE: BS: US Health Care Reform 07 Sep 09

Oh you big crybabies. I want:

First: Medicaid revamped to ensure routine chronic and wellness and preventive care properly delivered to the poor, and especially their children. - Ain't gonna get it.

Second: Dismantling of the employer tax breaks and the entire employment-linked system of funding private health plans - Ain't gonna get it.

Third: A public option to back stop the employment based insurance victims, with government pursuing the benefits claims against the insurers. Ain't gonna get it.

Fourth: Mandatory participation in catastrophic coverage. Might get it.

Fifth: Statewide community rated private insurance on a level playing field. Ain't gonna get it.

Sixth: Subsidized mandatory participation in private insurance on a sloped playing field. Might get it.

Seventh: Complete portability from job to job without cancellations or non-renewals for serious or chronic illnesses. Will probably get that.

And eighth while I am at it: If the employers are going to get huge tax breaks on overpriced plans, make THEM pay the damned COBRA. I see in Alice's link the "Baucus plan" will let you lose coverage if you get really sick and out of work and can't make your premiums. . .

Obama will tell us what we're getting on Wednesday. (Don't be manipulated. Fear not the cuckoos.)

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