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Dave Illingworth Maidenhead Folk Club PermaThread (15) RE: Maidenhead Folk Club PermaThread 09 Sep 09

My friend Tony Goldsmith (piano keyboard) and myself (vocals and guitar) - jointly known as PIGFOOT - are delighted to be performing at the Maidenhead Folk Club (The Seven Stars, Knowl Hill) on Thursday 17th September.
This is our first visit (as Pigfoot) since 1991, although I have sung at the club on the odd occasion, both solo and as half of the duo Old Friends.
Our music is a mixture of contemporary song, blues, old jazz songs and good-time music, with the emphasis on good words. Hopefully a few old friends will join us an an informal blues or two - including Mudcatter Leadfingers.
We are really looking forward to the evening.

                                 Dave Illingworth (Pigfoot)

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