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heric BS: US Health Care Reform (1349* d) RE: BS: US Health Care Reform 10 Sep 09

My opinion from the portions I can understand is that HR 3200 is too complicated by a factor of several hundred billion. It is a major reconstruction of the labyrinth. It leaves the powerful interests with what works for them, while imposing mandates they can tolerate.

It reduces a lot of cost shifting by protecting the working insured and covering the working uninsured. and mandating participation.

It pretends to shift Medicare funding to the larger population. It is focused on continuing federal discretion to impose benefits reductions in Medicare, claiming that reductions in benefits and services will not result in the reduction of available *quality* based on continual outcomes-based research with resulting care management guidelines constantly adjusted.

It leaves the tax benefits to corporations providing health care, the employee benefits industry protected, and the divisions between employer provided insurance and other insurance, while promising to constantly adjust premiums and monitoring adverse selection to minimize unfair results.

It may or may not end up with a public option within the health insurance exchange, constantly monitored to provide care with subsidies monitored to ensure they are not "unfair" subsidies.

Mr. Obama, tear down that labyrinth!

You can still reform Medicare within a Medicare bill.

(What struck me most in the speech is that the $900 billion is less than all of the Bush tax cuts' impact over the next ten years. That really provides perspective.)

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