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Reiver 2 Lyr Req: McAlpine's Fusiliers (57* d) RE: Lyr Req: McAlpine's Fusiliers 11 Sep 09

I've always had a question about this song and - having just stumbled on to this thread - I'm surprised that no one has asked about it. "McAlpine's Fusiliers." As far as I'm aware the term fusiliers refers to a military organization. Originally a regiment or other body of soldiers armed with fusils which I believe were a type of flintlock musket.[And, yes, when they all fired together the reult was a fusillade.] But the words of the song contain no reference to a military unit or soldiers. Rather, the words to the song suggest a group of workers employed to work on roads, dams, tunnels and such. Fair enough. But why are they referred to in the song as "fusiliers?" Am I missing something very obvious? [It wouldn't be the first time.]

Reiver 2

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