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GUEST,Nancy kids' game: I'm goin' down town to smoke my pipe (83* d) RE: kids' game: I'm goin' down town to smoke my pipe 13 Sep 09

I remember playing this game in the 50s as a kid. It started out "I'm going downtown to smoke my pipe and I won't be back till broad day light - and I'll whip you black and I'll whip you blue especially you my daughter Sue." One of the kids had to be Sue who hid in a pretend upstairs. Then the witch came and the kids pretended to be a piano and held out their hands and said something like "good daddy" another "bad daddy" etc. at some point they were asked "Where's Sue?" They would all say "upstairs" The witch would ask how did she get there and some of the would say "by tables and chairs." They had been pretending to be table and chairs. I can't remember much more - Sue, I think had to run at this point.

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