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Dave Illingworth Pigfoot at Maidenhead FC! (8) RE: Pigfoot at Maidenhead FC! 19 Sep 09

Many thanks Mr. Leadfingers !

And thanks to to yourself, and Simon Brown and Larkbey for the excellent wind section.

Thanks also to Pearl and Tony for booking us, when so many folk-clubs
(who booked us regularly years ago) now ignore us because we are not "names" ans therefore will not put bums on seats.               Ah well.......

We really enjoyed ourselves at the Seven Stars; and the audience were very welcoming and in fine voice on the refrains and choruses.
A club well worth visiting if you in the area (see details in previous messages).

                         Dave Illingworth
                         Tony Goldsmith

PS   Next Pigfoot gig is at the Severn Sailing Club, Bredon,
Worcestershire on Saturday 10th October. Not a folk club, but a nice venue and a good crowd.   More details later.

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