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Pistachio Obit: Lesley Hale 9 October 2009 (44) RE: Obit: Lesley Hale 9 October 2009 09 Oct 09

So Sad. My twin sister Gillian telephoned with the news only minutes ago.

Lesley gave me songs to sing. I first heard her on a cassette recording that played at the Stirling Castle visitors centre where I worked, back in 1976. When I left work I kept the cassette.

I sang Find me an Island quite a few times over the years and, when my twin sang it at an Edinburgh folk club maybe 10 years ago, it transpired that a lady listening, actually worked with Lesley. Gillian contacted Lesley (who's guitar was "in the wardrobe with a broken neck") and after a few weeks Lesley returned to singing at the Dene Tavern, Newtongrange, or 'Nitten' as it is better known.
She has been a stalwart at Nitten ever since.
I finally got to meet her in person soon after that. What a lovely lady, she gave joy to many and was a wonderful friend to my sister's family.

Lesley recorded a CD 'First Cuts' with Charlie Milne in 2003 and a solo CD 'Reaching' in 2007.

With Lesley's permission I recorded 'Find me an Island' on CD in 2006.

Gillian said that Lesley was at Nitten last Thursday - and she died this Thursday on the Club night. Rest in peace, and out of pain.

Much love to Rebecca, and thanks Lesley, for your songs.
Hazel Richings. x x

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