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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Kira Origins: My Pigeon House (51* d) RE: Origins: My Pigeon House 11 Oct 09

This song was passed down from my Great-Grandmother, to Grandmother, to Mother, to me...and I now sing it to my children. My Great-Grandmother was of Pennsylvania-Dutch origin, with some Irish and German thrown in. I have seen many variations on the lyrics while browsing the internet, but none are the lyrics I was taught...

My pigeon house I'll open wide
And set all the pigeons free
They will fly o'er fields and mountain tops
And light on the tallest tree
And when they return from their merry flight
I'll close the door and say good night
Coo-a-roo Coo-a-roo Coo-a-roo Coo-a-roo
Coo-a-roo Coo-a-roo Coo-roo.

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