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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Paul S poems for kids (14) RE: poems for kids 05 Nov 09

I'll check those out Robyn, thanks. I've tried to find some stuff online, but just don't know where to find it.

Sure, I don't know if anyone other than my own kids would enjoy it, but here it is:

-- Penny-Sue and the Big Pea-Burp --

There was a girl named Penny-Sue,
Who would not eat her peas.
Her dad would try to boil and fry
And cover them with cheese

Her mom would cook them in a sauce
With pepper, salt and herbs
But Penny-Sue said, "No peas please.
I'd rather lick the curb".

Her dad once told her of a troll
So tall and brown and mean
Who cooked up non-pea-eating girls,
And ate them with ice cream.

"There isn't such a thing," she said.
That Penny-Sue was smart.
"Don't speak to me of trolls and things
That go bump in the dark".

One day while playing in the park
She heard a mighty roar.
The sky got dark. The earth shook like
It never had before.

Something tall and brown and mean
Was blocking out the sun.
Somebody yelled, "The Pea Troll's here!
Everybody run!"

The children ran and screamed and cried.
That troll was mighty scary.
His feet were big. His teeth were sharp.
His beard was long and hairy.

He wore a coat down to his knees
That smelled like pickled beets
And when he opened up his mouth
It stank of sweaty feet.

He roared, "I need a hearty meal.
A little girl would do."
He sniffed around throughout the park
And said, "Oh Penny-Sue.

"You smell good enough to eat.
I'll eat you with ice cream."
Poor Penny thought, "This can't be real.
I must be in a dream."

They made their way back to his cave
Just outside of town.
Another messy, smelly cave
Like this could not be found.

The troll put Penny on a shelf
And said, "Don't squirm or scream
I have to mix a special sauce
To put on my ice cream."

He started with some onions,
Mixed in garlic, salt and prunes,
A cup of muddy water,
And a couple small raccoons.

A cow, a mule, two dogs, three cats,
A dozen dragonflies,
Three cups of chocolate frog legs,
And some crocodile eyes.

While all of this was happening,
Poor Penny watched in fear.
She knew that she liked ice cream
But she wouldn't like it here.

She sat there crying, feeling very
Sorry for herself.
She didn't even notice someone else
Was on that shelf.

A little elf had just appeared
And said, "Now don't you cry"
I have a little treat for you.
It's something you should try."

The elf held out a plate of peas
To give to Penny-Sue.
He told her, "These are special peas.
You'll know what to do."

With that, the elf just disappeared
As quickly as a sneeze.
Where once he was, he now was not.
He'd left behind those peas.

Penny-Sue said, "What's the use?
I may be eaten soon.
I'll try these peas. I'll eat them up.
I'll lick them off the spoon."

So Penny popped the smallest pea
And heaved a mighty sigh.
She didn't choke. She didn't gag.
She didn't faint or die.

In fact, this pea was pretty good.
In fact, this pea was great.
So Penny-Sue kept eating peas
Until she'd cleaned her plate.

Just then, the troll grabbed Penny-Sue
And with a mighty toss,
He dropped her in his ice cream bowl
And covered her with sauce.

That ice cream bowl was mighty cold.
That sauce was mighty gross.
That mean old troll looked hungry
As his spoon was getting close.

Then Penny-Sue felt something
That was rising from inside.
She knew she couldn't stop it,
Wouldn't matter how she tried.

A mighty BURP came through her lips
And Penny gave a frown.
For peas don't taste as good
Coming up as going down.

A greenish fog spread through the cave
And poured outside as well.
The troll reared back his ugly head,
And then asked, "What's that smell?"

"It doesn't smell like broccoli",
The troll said, as he wheezed.
"It doesn't smell like anything,
Except ... Oh no, NOT PEAS!"

Penny-Sue stood watching
As he hid behind a chair.
He cried and moaned, "Please don't do that.
It really isn't fair!"

"Please don't burp your peas at me,"
He whimpered and he frowned.
"Go on and leave me all alone.
Please go on back to town."

Penny-Sue thought, "What a break!"
And ran home to her room.
A tasty plate of peas had
Delivered her from doom.

And now, when it is suppertime,
And someone offers peas,
Penny-Sue holds out her plate
And answers ...


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