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Bud Savoie old-time picking on resonator banjos (64* d) RE: old-time picking on resonator banjos 12 Aug 00

Resonator banjos are more available than open-backs because 'Grassers outnumber OT players by an estimated 9 to 1. I suppose that Ralph Stanley's Ma taught him on an old open-back, but that won't do in a BG band. Ralph plays mostly his 3-finger style, and he's not about to lug two banjos to his concerts.

I have seen Mike Seeger in person and on video with an array of banjos, and his preference is definitely with the open-back jobs unless he is playing in some sort of BG style or in a band context. The sound and feel are definitely different.

The only time I have seen Roscoe Holcomb with a resonator banjo is in that shot of him outside his hen house. He is playing an old Kay--with the resonator removed. When I saw him in person, he was playing an open-back that had been given him by the old Vega company.

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