I am a Snopes fan!! Whenever I receive a forwarded e-mail warning of some all consuming computer virus if I open certain e-mails, or how to get loads of free money for forwarding particular e-mails, etc, etc.... I check out the situation on Snopes and if it is a hoax I return the email to it's kindly sender, quoting the Snopes information and encouraging the sender to also use Snopes before sending on similar stuff. Lately I've received several doom laden "warnings" which BEGIN by saying that the sender has checked the veracity of the content on Snopes and that it is true! So, when I double check with Snopes I have found that the sender could not have checked it with Snopes !! It seems that the internet scaremongerers are now using a reference to Snopes to try and convince people to believe their particular scarey hoax !! Urban legends can be very entertaining, but it is nice to have a reliable source to refer to in order so sort out truth from fiction! XX