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folk1e BS: 'We wish you a Horny Christmas' ??? (66* d) RE: BS: 'We wish you a Horny Christmas' ??? 22 Nov 09

Call me a pedant, but ........
                      Didn't Christmas get tagged on to an existing pagan festival as a deliberate attempt to subvert paganism? Put into that context maybe a Horny Xmas is what the more ... traditional celebrants are going to have?

Seriously though I see no disparity between Christianity and being "Horny" unless you happen to be a celibate Vicar(ess) or similar! Before I get deluged with complaints about this ..... I do not agree with sexulisation of children! I do not see this as having happened here!
Maybe our ire should be spent on some of the stores having "Santa's little helpers" dressed the way they do .......... and what about Santa himself?

I do however see a dichotomy between christian values and things like the current wars in Iraq, Afghanistan et all!

Beliefs are like Kids and Farts ......... everyone thinks theirs are good and only the others stink!

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