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heric BS: US Health Care Reform (1349* d) RE: BS: US Health Care Reform 22 Nov 09

It's too late to put together a decent program.

We are going to get coverage to a lot more people, including through Medicaid. That's the main point. But the cost curve is going to go up both in terms of providers and administration. Program costs are going to go up; bureaucratic meddling is going to impair patient autonomy and choice on an increasing scope of demographics. Medicare benefits are going to be reduced in practice. Deficits will increase as tax rates will not go up to compensate for higher costs and subsidies, even if the politicians have the will to enact tax increases already proposed.

Insurance and employee benefits-related industries will get to stay fat and happy with expanded protections against state government and state courts.

Maybe it has to be this way but that's not exactly what I had hoped for when I voted for change.

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