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heric BS: US Health Care Reform (1349* d) RE: BS: US Health Care Reform 23 Nov 09

I always appreciate and respect your thoughts, Mr. Firth, but as a complicated matter we can't really prove, I think the newer system will still be, like now, better than than that of any other country based on *overall* quality. Others are more egalitarian, and we're taking a step in that direction. Plus, a lot of people will feel less enslaved to their current jobs. And though I haven't noticed it factored in, a lot less of the healthcare funding will be shifted through bankruptcy, one of the most bizarre current phenomena.

(Healthcare funding, remember, is not "evaporation" of money - it still goes into circulation and the money multiplier. It's the ineffeciencies (and unfairness) of the tidepools and eddies that matters most.)

I hope that doesn't sound callous to Art Thieme and others who may still not get the benefit of full fairness.

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