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Gweltas BS: Church Bloopers (24) RE: BS: Church Bloopers 08 Dec 09

This reminds me of an inter Celtic church service held in St. John's Church, Ramsey, Isle of Man, during the annual Yn Chruinnaght Celtic Festival, many years ago. As we entered the church, we were handed a printed leaflet with the order of service and the prayers to be said. One prayer included the phrase, which SHOULD have read " and we pray to the Lord, Jesus Christ , who died for us", but, due to a typing error, what appeared in the leaflet was "and we pray to the Lord, Jesus Christ, who DID for us !! I still have that leaflet.
On another occasion, while also attending the Yn Chruinnaght Celtic Festival, a new Ramsey based lifeboat was launched, in an open air religious ceremony, with the Bishop of Sodor and Mann officiating at the blessing of the lifeboat. Those in attendance were handed Gestetner copies (hand written) of the lyrics of the chosen hymns to be sung. One hymn included the repeating line "We pray for those in peril on the sea", but our copies read "We pray for those in PERIOD on the sea" and, believe me, the urge to giggle at thought of menstruating sailors was smothered with supreme efforts of vocal control and will power, as we were directly facing the bishop and only a matter of feet away from him !

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