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semi-submersible Song in Chinook Jargon on You tube (16) RE: Song in Chinook Jargon on You tube 21 Jan 10

Names are variable, but Silver Salmon usually means Coho, unless it refers to grade instead of species (bright, as opposed to dark). Their flavour becomes musky as the salmon near the end of their migration and assume their mating costumes, so catch is graded by quality as well as quantity.

These are the species of Pacific salmon. There are other Oncorhynchus but they are called trout, not salmon.

- pink salmon, humpback = Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Small two-year cycle salmon. (All the rest live in four year cycles.) Males of some runs pack extra fat on humped back and belly until in profile rather like a frying pan with fish head. While leaping out of the water they wriggle all over, swimming even in the air, and sometimes you glimpse a bright iridescent pink reflection from the fish's side. Flesh turns soft readily if abused, but is excellent with proper handling.
- chum, dog salmon = Oncorhynchus keta Colour grades: silverbright (fresh from the sea), qualla (intermediate), dark (ready for spawning; flesh near worthless but ripe roe prized for sushi). Big, heavy, less athletic than other species. Low fat content means little flavour if canned, but perfect for smoking, barbecuing.
- coho, fall salmon, silver, silverside = Oncorhynchus kisutch If they're actively feeding, clean your catch at once as its strong digestive juices will chemically burn its belly. (Also with spring salmon, but less so.) If you're cleaning many, wear gloves or wash your hands promptly, lest you get "coho burn" on your skin too. Coho, springs, and sockeye can be canned, smoked, dried, frozen, etc. any way you like 'em.
- Chinook, king, spring salmon, etc. = Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Big ones (say, over 30 lbs.) called tyee or (by commercial fishermen in BC) a smiley. Many nicknames for this species, which is also the most variable in flesh colour, size, and life cycle timing.
- sockeye, red salmon = Oncorhynchus nerka Sockeye that live their whole lives in a lake are called Kokanee. Plankton feeder, with teeny tiny teeth and a superior quality of slime which protects against scale loss. Firm, bright red flesh, which retains texture better than other species under poor handling. Highest oil content means most intense flavour of all.
- steelhead = Oncorhynchus mykiss. Called rainbow trout if it lives its life in fresh water. Previously considered the only (regularly) sea run* trout; recently designated a salmon, making it the only (regularly) multiply-returning** species of Pacific North American salmon.
- And on the west side of the Pacific they have seema or cherry salmon = Oncorhynchus masou.

* I believe a few cutthroat trout migrate to sea for part of their adult lives also.
** Pacific salmon other than steelhead (and occasional big springs or coho, so I've heard) normally spend their entire energies coming home and spawning; life has no further purpose after that, so they stay and let their bodies fertilise the river ecosystems.

But I could be wrong about all this. I'm a fisherman, not a biologist or linguist.

Now to see if my old computer will download a YouTube song without crashing.

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