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Ed Pellow Tin Whistle books for beginners (46) RE: Help: Tin Whistle books for beginners 22 Aug 00

Sorcha, thanks for the info. I'm sure I can easily get hold of the book and tape, and Roger, thanks for the link.

I've got another question now, though...

I'm not a whistle player, although I have a cheap 'Generation' one which I sometimes mess about with. I find the intonation to be a bit rough and it's really hard to keep in tune when you try to overblow it.

The Clark page calls their whistles "The Stradivarius of tinwhistles" which given the price seems somewhat unlikely...

I play several instruments, and know how hard it can be to learn on something cheap.

So my question is, would it be worth buying my friend a bit better whistle than the cheapest ones available? And if so which and how much?


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