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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
semi-submersible Son of Kitchen Table (119* d) RE: Son of Kitchen Table 03 Feb 10

A small thread is nice sometimes. I don't have to spend ages trying to catch up (which feels like hopping around at the edges of a crowd, trying to peep over people's heads to find out what's going on).

Huge pages crash my 'puter too, and I'm also on dialup so it takes forever. With long threads I click on number of posts, instead of thread name, to see just 50 posts at a time in normal order, then click to the last page to see what's new.

No coffee, but we had some hot breakfast before walking up to the school bus. Now out the window between young red cedar trees I see driftwood carried past on the tide, and sometimes ducks or gulls on the salt chuck. It's not raining this morning. Cloud hangs low over us, just above the treetops of a nearby island with a white spot high in a tree: one of the resident bald eagles.

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